
Rådanäs Bryggeri vill erbjuda god och välproducerad öl till alla konsumenter som har åsikter om vad de häller i glasen. Vi har inga fördomar om preferenser, utan anser att alla skall dricka öl på sitt egna sätt. Vi brygger modern öl men håller hela tiden en blick i backspegeln och införlivar gärna gamla bryggtraditioner eller ger nya uttryck för äldre öltyper.

Vi vill med vårt öl nå redan initierade entusiaster, men även försöka bidra till att öka intresset för denna ädla dryck hos en bredare grupp. Vår ambition är att verka lokalt och på så sätt lära känna våra kunder, men även oss själva i egenskap av ölproducent. Vi vill vara lyhörda och ta intryck av vår omgivning för att kunna utvecklas och ständigt förbättra våra produkter.

Ni hittar oss även på Facebook och Untappd.

Rådanäs Bryggeri, Rådanäsv. 21, Mölnlycke - Website
* Price is in SEK with rebates and without VAT.
24x330ml Bottle
3.21 by 4779 ratings
9 packages in stock
20L KeyKeg
3.21 by 4779 ratings
30L KeyKeg
3.21 by 4778 ratings
0 pcs in stock
24x330ml Bottle
3.50 by 4474 ratings
6 packages in stock
20L KeyKeg
3.50 by 4451 ratings
30L KeyKeg
3.50 by 4502 ratings
0 pcs in stock
24x330ml Bottle
Starkare ale
3.24 by 6522 ratings
21 packages in stock
30L KeyKeg
Starkare ale
3.24 by 6542 ratings
0 pcs in stock
24x330ml Bottle
California common
3.28 by 8028 ratings
8 packages in stock
30L KeyKeg
California common
3.28 by 8062 ratings
0 pcs in stock
24x330ml Bottle
0 packages in stock
24x330ml Bottle
3.15 by 566 ratings
24x330ml Bottle
Modern stil
3.21 by 2990 ratings
8 packages in stock
20L KeyKeg
Modern stil
3.21 by 3027 ratings
30L KeyKeg
Modern stil
3.21 by 2975 ratings
0 pcs in stock
24x330ml Bottle
Mörk lager
3.17 by 1525 ratings
0 packages in stock
24x330ml Bottle
3.23 by 2144 ratings
11 packages in stock
20L KeyKeg
0.00 by 0 ratings
30L KeyKeg
3.23 by 2138 ratings
0 pcs in stock
24x330ml Bottle
Mörk lager
3.25 by 3119 ratings
0 packages in stock
30L KeyKeg
Mörk lager
3.25 by 3119 ratings
0 pcs in stock
24x330ml Bottle
Amber ale
24x330ml Bottle
3.45 by 13069 ratings
29 packages in stock
20L KeyKeg
3.45 by 13096 ratings
0 pcs in stock
30L KeyKeg
3.45 by 13087 ratings
0 pcs in stock
24x330ml Bottle
3.27 by 5815 ratings
1 packages in stock
20L KeyKeg
3.27 by 5792 ratings
30L KeyKeg
3.27 by 5838 ratings
0 pcs in stock
24x330ml Bottle
Ljus lager
3.20 by 1970 ratings
14 packages in stock
30L KeyKeg
Ljus lager
3.20 by 2015 ratings
1 pcs in stock
7L Bottle
Öl av flera typer
440 pcs in stock
30L KeyKeg
Ljus lager
24x330ml Bottle
Pilsner, tysk stil
24x330ml Bottle
Ljus lager
3.42 by 135 ratings
30L KeyKeg
Ljus lager
3.42 by 135 ratings
24x330ml Bottle
3.43 by 6837 ratings
24x330ml Bottle
3.47 by 1992 ratings
15 packages in stock
30L KeyKeg
3.47 by 2012 ratings
0 pcs in stock
24x330ml Bottle
Torr porter/stout
3.36 by 3005 ratings
7 packages in stock
20L KeyKeg
Torr porter/stout
3.36 by 2999 ratings
30L KeyKeg
Torr porter/stout
3.36 by 3019 ratings
0 pcs in stock
24x330ml Bottle
3.52 by 170 ratings
24x330ml Bottle
Modern stil
3.28 by 107 ratings
24x330ml Bottle
Starkare ale
3.34 by 452 ratings
0 packages in stock
30L KeyKeg
Starkare ale
3.34 by 453 ratings
24x330ml Bottle
Starkare ale
3.46 by 34 ratings
0 packages in stock
20L KeyKeg
Starkare ale
3.46 by 34 ratings
24x330ml Bottle
3.58 by 1178 ratings
0 packages in stock
30L KeyKeg
3.58 by 1179 ratings
0 pcs in stock
Customers for Rådanäs ( pcs)
Systembolag which has Rådanäs ( pcs)
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