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* Pris i SEK, med rabatt och utan moms.
Benämning Rabatt Pris I lager
Svartberget Hazy Afternoon 4.5% 30L KeyKeg
Fermenterarna Pastel People 9.5% 30L KeyKeg
Lundabryggeriet Starke Nels Kveik IPA 6.0% 24x330ml Bottle
Timjans Brygghus Sveriges Oberoende Brygd 6,7 Starköl 6.7% 24x330ml Bottle
Fermenterarna Outlander 6.5% 30L KeyKeg
Bottenvikens Bottenvikens Någerst 6.5% 24x330ml Can
AKiA Brygghus OPERATING TRACKS [WEST COAST] IPA 6.5% 24x440ml Can
Stigbergets New and Improved 6.5% 24x440ml Can
Fermenterarna Eye Sea 7.8% 30L KeyKeg
Odd Island Brewing Suavis 6.5% 30L KeyKeg
Stigbergets Albatross NEIPA 7.0% 24x440ml Can
Timjans Brygghus Stenhuggar IPA 7,1 % 30L Keykeg 7.1% 30L KeyKeg
Svartberget Svartlådan 6.5% 24x440ml Can
Sälens Fjällbryggeri Vinterfolk 3.5% 24x330ml Can
Fermenterarna Galaxy Galaxy 5.0% 20L KeyKeg
Odd Island Brewing SommarIPA 2021 6.5% 20L KeyKeg
Kvarnagårdens Emigranten IPA 6.0% 28x330ml Can
Stigbergets Amaaazing Haze Triple Dry Hopped 6.5% 24x440ml Can
Svartberget Hazy Afternoon 4.5% 20L KeyKeg
Bottenvikens Bottenvikens Skanderna 20KK 6,5% 6.5% 20L KeyKeg
Fermenterarna Urban 6.5% 30L KeyKeg
Fermenterarna Aphotic 6.5% 30L KeyKeg
Stigbergets Amazing Haze IPA 6.5% 24x330ml Can
Rådanäs IPA 6.6% 24x330ml Bottle
Northern Exposure GRAFFITI STHLM - KAOS IPA #11 6.5% 24x440ml Can
Fermenterarna Hello Vacation 6.2% 30L KeyKeg
Bustad Brewing Co Fat Circuitweaver 6.0% 30L KeyKeg
Stigbergets Ringu - NELLY WCIPA 7.0% 24x330ml Can
Fermenterarna Loral Loral 3.5% 24x440ml Can
Solna Bryggeri Solna Coast - West Coast IPA 5.6% 30L KeyKeg
Fermenterarna The Struggle Continues 6.5% 24x440ml Can
Fermenterarna Plants have feelings too 6.5% 30L KeyKeg
Fermenterarna Keep on Flying 6.5% 24x440ml Can
Fermenterarna Feel the Fog 6.5% 24x330ml Can
Fermenterarna Fresh Harvest Riwaka 8.0% 30L KeyKeg
AKiA Brygghus TRIPLE TWO IPA 6.0% 24x440ml Can
Svartberget WCIPA 7.0% 30L KeyKeg
WCB Dubbel Nelson 6.7% 30L KeyKeg
Fenix Brewery Keg NEIPA 6.2% 20L KeyKeg
Ruckel Brewing Highland Hops 6.0% 30L KeyKeg

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